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Nothing special- just updates

I want to write more. I really do and then I get to sit and try and type and something (well, mostly someone) will interrupt or need something. I do love being the person that someone wants and NEEDS. Are you wanted and needed? It is empowering. It is also so very tiring... but in a good way. I think that I’m going to start doing short videos. Seth is showing me how to do very simple editing and we may do some more home video types. The kids have been watching old videos and seeing how much they have grown is so bitter sweet. I love hearing their little voices! I’m hoping that it will also be more frequent that I post then as well. Updates since the last time I’ve posted: We’ve done very little schooling and what has been done hasn’t been “textbook”. I’ve got to get back into that mind frame. It’s summer time and it’s hard, but I wanted to do year round so that we could be more relaxed and we are definitely more relaxed! We had VBS and that was loads of fun! I taught 5th grade gir...

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