Hard days of homeschool

Today I have lost my cool way too many times! The kids have pushed EVERY SINGLE BUTTON. Amazingly they know which ones to push to send me over the edge. Go figure!
It is a disaster in my room. I want things back in order like they were at the beginning of the year. I will get it back... someday!
Maybe this will help those who think their homeschool is the only one that’s a train wreck ... no... just me?!?!

My brother came and brought lunch- this offered a break, but as soon as he left and school started back and it has quickly returned to shambles. I’m calling it done for now(just for reference it is almost 2pm and we’ve gotten through Bible, math and spelling... that’s it!!! 🙄😩🤷‍♀️😡
MG and I are going  to finish Charlotte’s Web so we can watch that movie later this week. We have dance practice and then hopefully home to finish chores and dinner. I’m actually looking forward to that part of the day. I like to put a movie on and just let me do it... no, I’m not teaching the kids anything when I do the chores and not make them, but for today, for my sanity and probably their safety (I kid, I kid!) I will do chores and cooking (headphones in and listening to a podcast or book) while they watch tv or run around outside (or between my legs screaming at each other). I will make it to the end of the day. I will make it to the end of the day. One more time... I WILL make it to the end of the day.



  1. Praying. Rita and I know those days well. Thankfully, the good days far outweigh the difficult (or worse) days. If you ever want to vent, or some council, we are only a phone call/text away.

  2. I have been there! The hard days are HARD. In my house, the very hard days are usually pointing to needing a break from school. I'm here for you any time!! In the mean time, I'm praying for you.


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